Friday 18 June 2010

Year 10 - GCSE paper 2 - Writing to describe

'Imagination is more important than knowledge' - Einstein

GCSE paper 2 section B requires students to inform, explain or describe. This term we have been working on the skills needed when writing to describe. This section of the exam also provides a real opportunity for students to use their imagination and express themselves in a creative way.

As part of your preparation for your mock exam have a look at some responses from students in last year's exam. One is a grade C, the other a grade B. Read both pieces and post a comment suggesting 1) why one is better than the other and 2) how the B grade student could improve to get an A.

Due Tuesday

Thursday 17 June 2010

What Do You Think?

Jean-Jaques Rousseau wrote, '“ Man is born free; and is everywhere in chains.” Post your thoughts below.

Year 9 Romantic Poetry

Year 9. Your homework tonight is to read the article on poetry by Carol Ann Duffy here. Post a comment giving your opinion on what she says.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Year 10 - GCSE Paper 2 - Poetry From Different Cultures

The mock GCSE exam for year 10 will take place at the end of June. In order to prepare for this you need to make sure you are familiar with the requirements of both exam papers. This week we are focussing on Paper 2: you will be asked to write an essay comparing 2 poems and to produce a piece of descriptive writing.

To prepare for this your first H/W this week is to read the two examples of A/A* poetry essays and post a comment below to show that you have read them. You can access both essays by clicking here.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Year 12 - Snow Child H/W

Angela Carter uses material from fairy tales and myth as inspiration for her modern gothic short stories. Read a synopsis of the Snow White fairy tale - a simple one can be found here. Then re-read Carter's 'The Snow Child' and complete these questions in note form. In your answers, consider the views Atwood puts forward in her dialogue 'There Was Once' about the conventions of the fairy tale genre. Also consider how Carter has re-interpreted the original story to create something new.

Due next lesson. DB

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Introduction to the Gothic - Year 12

Your exam unit for the A2 course will cover 3 or 4 texts from the Gothic genre. Before studying Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber', it is important you have some understanding of what we mean when we talk about 'the Gothic'. Read David Punter's emagazine article on the subject here.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Poetry becoming more popular

Poet Laureate Carol Anne Duffy argues that poetry is 'on the up' amongst young people who, in her view, 'make the best poets.' Read the full Telegraph article here

Year 12 - Plato's Cave Allegory

A useful summary and animation of Plato's cave allegory in 'The Republic'. This may aid your understanding and interpretation of Tennyson's 'Lady of Shallot'.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave: An adaptation in clay from Michael Ramsey on Vimeo.