Tuesday 8 June 2010

Poetry becoming more popular

Poet Laureate Carol Anne Duffy argues that poetry is 'on the up' amongst young people who, in her view, 'make the best poets.' Read the full Telegraph article here

1 comment:

  1. Let me first say that I think Carol Anne Duffy is a sad old bag who's insulated from the very young people she claims make the best poets. Strong words, I know, but there's no better way to get your attention. With that caveat aside, I also tend to agree with her.

    Poetry is the willingness to blacken a page with emotion, and what better group to take up such a task than our hormone-driven youth? These young folks just require a bit of inspiriation and presto: wonderful poetry ensues.

    So have a go. I'm interested - even if you're not our Poet Laureat.

